Countless newspapers have daily Bridge columns, and there are more books about Bridge than any other game, except Chess. Bridge tournaments continue to attract thousands of players who compete with each other to become Life Masters.

Game Setup/Rank of Suits

Spades (High), hearts, diamonds, clubs.
Rank of Cards: A (High), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

The Deal

The dealer distributes 13 cards to each player, one card at a time, face down, beginning with the player on his left.

Object of the Game

Each partnership attempts to score points by making its bid, or by defeating the opposing partnership's bid. At the end of play, the side with the most points wins.

The Bidding

Calls - Once the cards are dealt, each player picks up his hand and, beginning with the dealer, makes a call (pass, bid, double or redouble).


When a player does not wish to bid, double, or redouble, he says, "Pass." If all four players pass in the first round, the deal is "passed out," and the next dealer in turn deals a new hand.